The Diary

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Dresden, Sept. 10th 1890.


drive parents to Altstadt +home +we to our Hotel. In forenoon saw Melde, arranged his departure for NewYork by steamer Bohemia from Hamburg Sept. 17th I went to C. A. Klemm met Carl Pittrich, Capelldiener, of 13 Pirnaische Str. Dresden, A, who had invented a very ingenious Music turner, which he has patented in Germany, England, + the U.S. The Elbe is rapidly falling & all danger averted

Sept 11th Thursday.

I start for Berlin by 10.38 train A.M. meet Mrs. Kleber and her daughter at station also their relatives Mr. + Mrs. Bollman, all of Pittsburgh & we take trip in one Coupè to Berlin. Arrive 1.45 P.M. They go to Central Hotel and I to Kaiserhof I visit Louisa A. St. at Hotel du Nord find them all well, learn that Frickes have not yet returned to Berlin. In evg take the three ladies to Höhns Austern Salon Markgrafen str. 43. where we take fine native oysters + supper. Despatched a heavy mail

Sept 12th friday.

Louisa A St. her sister & Ella F. St. depart for Frankfurt by 12.3 noon train, introduce His Excellency Kurt v. Schlözer to them. Drive to Herrig & Frantz, meet the latter, draw 1000 Marks, find our account overdrawn 28.000. Marks See M. Maurer, also Klebers, take long walk, drink Weiss beer + Kümmel, work like a beaver from 6-10 P.M. My wife + Papa Ranft last night went to Munich to see Oberammergau play Sunday, she telegraphs that they stop Hotel 4 Jahreszeiten Munich & obtained books and tickets, Holwede telegraphs that Bohemia starts Sept 16th and that Melde (who took leave of me without leaving his address) must be there Sept 15th. Mrs. Oakes writes that both Mrs. v. Blumenthal