The Diary

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New York, June 30th 1891

June 30th Tuesd.

Last night cabled to Hamburg increase of capital, and that Hamburg Capital was raised from 600.000. to 800.000. Marks from July 1/91. Com Meeting Deutscher Tag which is fixed for afternoon Sunday Oct 4th next at Music Hall. Rapid Transit Mtg

July 1st Wed.

Need not go to Jefferson Market Court. John C. Freund held in $500 bail by Judge Kelly for his criminal libel upon J. Travis Quigg, for the Grand Jury. At 3 P.M. Harry D. Low, Louis v. Bernuth, myself and my two boys Willie + Theo. from Courtland str. in steam boat Mohawk with the Rapid Transit Com. to Glen Island, amuse ourselves splendidly, land at Astoria, home midnight

July 2d Thursd.

July 2d Thursd.

Held Bd of Trustee Meeting of St + S. at 12.30 P.M. Mathias Gray Meeting 2 P.M. am at Bk Metropolis 3 P.M. work til 7 P.M. take supper at Lienaus and go home, arriving at 9 P.M. getting up all documents for Fred T. St. to sign tomorrow, did not go to Liederkranz

July 3d friday.

Rapid Transit Meeting, Received all Maps from Arcade R.R. Judge Chas. P. Daly, Melville C. Smith + engineer Carpenter explaining. Fritz St. gives a little supper at Heims, where I join him, home with Henry A. Cassebeer at 11.30 P.M. drenching rain


July 4th sat.

Lovely weather, both Ferry + my cars taking in each nearly $1000, work all day, fireworks in front of Mansion, children delighted, 2d Ave + 99th L. station opened

July 5th Sund.

Again lovely weather, North Beach, boats + cars crowded with people, I go to Grand Pier at 6 P.M. work til midnight, make up among other things 200.000 Mk drafts on Hamburg in 5 appoints 1st 2d + 3d for sale tomorrow
