The Diary

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New York + Astoria, July 25th 1891.

July 25th sat.

Fine mild day. Julia Schmidt and her children arrive early this morning pr. steamship “Normannia” My Rheumatism all gone. Blumenberg heard yesterday that Franz Rummel had gone over to Knabe. Emma Juch and Amanda Fabris (Mrs. Ferguson Davie) called at office, as also Mrs John S. Foster and her daughter. Take 5 P.M. boat Wiehawken to Grand Pier, from there stop at McDonalds Pavilion, Picnic of the Employes of the Daimler Motor Comp. We chat with Henry A. Cassebeer + Julia Schmidt, he stops at our house death of Ernst Bredt

July 26th sund.

Beautiful day, both College Point Ferry and R.R. breaking the record of the season crowded from morning til night Our boat the “Chancellor” works beautifully and carries Thousands of people. Take a spin on 4 horse Motor boat “Eileen” to College Point + back. I work in afternoon and evg

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July 27th Mond.

Mrs. Kraemer calls, in trouble with her husband who drinks heavily, at 4 P.M. preside at Finance Com German Savings Bk, give Baumgartner decorating job, and Kendall superintendance. Take 6 P.M. boat to Grandpier up to Steinhagens where Wedding festival of H. A. Cassebeer and Julia Schmidt takes place they having been married by the Rev. Steinführer bet 5-6 P.M. We are 16 persons sitting on Piazza roof of Villa Steinhagen, it is a most pleasant affair, I make a fine speech and Ernst Bilhuber also speaks nicely at 11½ P.M. a special car takes the party to the Ferry to 92d street


July 28th Tuesd.

feel remote touch in right knee which passes off during the day. At 2 P.M. Rapid Transit Meeting, examine Parsons and Northern plan. I work til 8 P.M. in office, cabled to Charles Ziegler London about wedding and I to Gottlieb
