The Diary

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Wiesbaden, July 31st 1892.


that Peter Buckel failed, and that my friend Ernst Franz Otto Unger died. In forenoon Max Mansfeld calls gives me a full explanaton of affairs of Theatre + Cafè Figaro I give him two notes of $2000 each, endorsed by me and promise to cable to N.Y. to have my son give him viz. Von Raven $4000 in new note to pay July + June rent. Children with Frl. + Leah to Bieberich, boys bathe in the Rhine, in forenoon. Mrs. Tourelle (sister of Dr. Fr. Zinsser) calls. Fritz Steinway writes me a charming letters, wants Papa and Mama Fricke to live with him a year of two, in which case he will buy a house on 53d street NewYork City. Retire at 830/00 P.M. take no Jones Medicine tonight for the first time. Dr. Pfeiffer has been away for a week. Görlitz called once more on me


Aug 1st Monday.

Terrible heat in N.Y. continues, said to be the hottest prolonged spell since 1847. Great mortality took my 34th bath. My right shoulder remains as bad as ever, send the following cablegram to NewYork "Arranged with Mansfeld endorsing Vonravens new Note today four thousand dollars four months for Theatre rent June, July" William Steinway Write by Columbia Steamer "Spree" complete answers to Chas + Fritz Sts letter of July 20th covering every point. Get my hair cut and my head washed. It has been murky rainy weather yesterday and today preventing my taking a walk outside of Hotel, besides I have slight neuralgic headache, and right side of my throat feels remotely rheumatic Louis Waetjen called on us

Aug 2d Tuesday.

Took my 35th bath, shoulder as bad as ever This morning took 20 drops of Dr. Jones medicine