The Diary

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NewYork, Aug. 17th 1892.

Aug. 17th Wed.

Again terribly hot. Wife, Frl., Leah and the children start via Biberich pr. Salon boat down the Rhine to Coblenz. Wrote to Papa Ranft at Dresden. Read to my horror in Paris N.Y. Herald that my friend Henry W. Steinhauser of Brooklyn died. Brademann who massages me twice daily, today bandages both of my knees. Chas. Schipper meets me in the Anlagen, he sails by "Werra" from Genua Sept 14th next. Have another long chat with Heinrich Wolff. During the night have only my thin green shawl and thereby gain more sleep. Sent long letter from Paula to wife at Coblenz

Aug. 18th Thursd.

Again cloudless sky and fearfully hot. Recd from Stetson his letter of 6th inst, and copy of Cotterill letter on absurd claims of H. W. T. St. As Stetson says nothing about his health I assume he is well. Wm. Aufermann calls on me again, I walk up the two flights of stairs daily now. loan Aufermann the R.R. report of Rapid Transit Holwede writes he leaves Gross Tabary on account of the fearful heat there. Tropical heat prevailing all over Central Europe, and severe drouth has set in. A formidable strike at Buffalo has begun among the R.R. employes of the Erie & Central R.R. with incendiarism. Two Militia Regts ordered there. A bottle of Dr. Jones Medicine arrives via London. Brademann bandages both ancles legs & knees Wife yesterday at Coblenz & Ems, today at Remagen. In ev'g go with Wm. Aufermann to this Villa, am introduced to Graf Keller, become acquainted with Aufermanns daughters, we then drive through Ring strasse & to Hotel Bristol, where a large batch of letters await me, two long + interesting ones Burkard + my George