The Diary

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NewYork, March 3d 1894.


Eugene L. Bushe have a thorough conference about my foreclosure agt Gleason, report my meeting with Kearney, and Kelleys proposition to have Stway R.R. run over the Blackwells Isl. Bridge to 64th str. & 3d Ave R.R. Otto Toussaint and Lili Toussaint to supper with us

March 4th Sund.

Lovely spring weather. L.v. B. Paula + Dick Ranft drive to Steinway Mausoleum Chapel Hill Greenwood Cemetery and leave three Wreathes at the grave of my deceased wife, viz. one from Grandpa and Dresden, one from Dick Ranft, and one from ourselves. From 12-1. Dr. Florence Ziegfeld and Charles H. St. were at my house, talked over Lyon + Healy matter. In after L.v.B. wife, Maud & Meta take a walk outside and I write a letter to A. J. Kapp in answer to his last two crazy letters. From Seesen I receive the following Cable despatch "Seinem Ehrenfreuden sendet die herzlichsten Glueckwünsche der Landwehr Verein Seesen" This is intended for my birthday tomorrow. Anniversary of death of my beloved wife, died today one year ago

March 5th Mond.

My birthday, Receive lots of letters, flowers and personal visits from old Maids, insinuating that they would like to marry me +c. Had quite a conference with Walter J. Foster on Gleason matters and foreclosures, also sent my letter to A. Jos. Kapp. Also recd cablegrams from Stadt Seesen, Adolf & Hattie Vietor. I evg vomit, play Skat at my house with H. A. Cassebeer & L.v.Bernuth win 10 Cts

March 6th Tuesd.

to St. Hall early, at 2 P.M. at Rapid Transit Meeting, all ready present, R. T. Wilson & Co. with draw their proposition in favor of the Abram S. Hewitt plan are perfecting the Bushe L. plan. I work hard til 10.30. PM

March 7th Wed.

A. Jos. Kapp writes quite a meek letter, says he will start a small business for himself. Hand Walter J. Foster all notes of P. J. Gleason and 36 R.R. bonds My right knee pains me very much, having been bent too strongly by the Masseurs this A.M. Wrote a strong letter for E. A. Potter as to alleged offer of Agency to Lyon & Healy. Mary E. Garlichs calls

March 8th Thursd.

Beautiful day. Drive out in forenoon up to 42d str. and down 7th Ave. Webers factory seems to be closed. In evg. party at my house Ella F. Schmidt and her husband, Burke, also Julia Cernbar I drive to Ottendorfers, play Skat with him, May and Loeser come out exactly even