The Diary

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NewYork, April 12th 1894.

April 12th Thursd.

Splendid article in the Tribune and synopsis in the Evg Post. Robert v. Bernuth sends me $5000. through Herrig & Frantz in Berlin for investment. Work hard at St. Hall, and walk a good deal. Miss Balck plays for me, the whole family will remove to Milwaukee next Tuesday. Kittle furnishes me with data, showing that Trask has paid Everhart only ΒΌ pr. Ct Commission Bad weather, Chas. H. St. family arrives from Bermuda. Have been drinking American Cider for a week or two moderately which seems to agree with me. Work home in evg til late

April 13th frid.

Remain home all day +being uninterrupted do a great deal of work. Harbuckle serves us a most ludricous protest agt everything. David Dudley Field died this morning. Wm. A. Hardt is also said to be quite ill at Deutscher Verein. Commence to fix up matters with Phil. Burkard as to accounts of Ella, Mrs. Louisa A. St. &Fried. P. Kreischer. In evg the two latter take dinner with us and go with L.v.B. & wife to "Heirathsnest" Irving Place Theatre. J. W. Martin Bro. from Rochester answer my letter of enquiry stating that Eckhardt there had no accident, that Emil Gorres works and that I have been most shamefully imposed upon by Mrs. Eckhardt and Annie L. Gorres, Arnold Schlingheyde from Steinway from "Steinway" L.IC. also writes me that he is satisfied that I have been imposed upon by his Nieces in Rochester

April 14th sat.

fine weather, work hard all day. Loan Flaechsenhaar-Erbach $50. Chas. H. St. sick with sore throat +home. Chas. T. Harvey calls in evg. and shows me his cable invention for for Rapid Transit. Meeting of Barth Lexow with Chamber of Commerce Committee, but no agreement is achieved and it looks decidedly black for the Rapid Transit bills in the Legislature. Jury in case of Pollard vs. Breckenridge brings in a Verdict of $15.000. Herman E. Kleber brings me check for $156.98/100 bal. of dividend from F. Grote +Co. claims of 10 pct. being in all 60% dividend paid. Had interview with James McGovern at St. Hall as to sale of N.Y. +College Pt. Ferry. General Henry W. Slocum died this morning

Walter Damrosch sees me about application German opera

Aprl 15th Sund.

Beautiful weather. N.Y. delegation to invite Pres. Cleveland was cordially recd by him +he promised to visit Sängerfest in June if duties will permit him.  I gave letter of introduction to him to Katzenmayer Adams, Senner, Schwarzschild and Wahle. __ H.A. Cassebeer
