The Diary

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Astoria & NewYork, June 24th 1894.

June 24th Sund.

Had to fan myself nearly all night, in morning a nice breeze sets in. Herald & Staatszeitung have splendid accounts and my picture, latter also my Songfestival reminiscences since 1850. lawyer Geller visits me. Feel quite well and pleased at the success of last night. Weather uncertain yet North Beach is crowded, Brooklyn sendng loads of people

Pres. Carnot assassinated at Lyons

June 25th Monday.

Cooler weather, afternoon & evg Concert last night said to be a great success. Am terribly busy all day at St. Hall. walk to Lüchows take supper, drive to Madison Sq. Garden, remain first four numbers then drive home to Mansion, stopping on way in front of Liederkranz. E. L. Heckle called . At 3 P.M. McCabe, Bushe +Peabody (Babcock) called we talk over matters, also ^about purchase of Gleason R.R. which Bushe said was offered to him at $325000. I told them that without binding myself now, I was inclined in case of their purchase of Gleason road to relinquish $30.000. of the Steinway R.R. bonds of the $80.000. wrongfully withheld from me by them and the R.R. Comp. and felt inclined to exchange portions of the $50.000 in bonds for Steinway Railway stock at 33½ pr. Ct. of face value of said Stock shares_ Marriage of Emma Juch to Francis L. Wellman.


June 26th Wed.

Concert last night immense success, Zoellner very much honored by singers and audience. Andrew Brunn called, also A. Rippe vow who goes to Minneapolis. Fog in morning, clearing up. Great Picnic of all the singers at Ulmers Park Bensonhurst. At 6 P.M. Cotterill calls brings me his points in Harbuckle Will case, I take him home in carriage, home in evg, Skat with Cassebeer +L.v.B. lose 24 Ctsov


June 27th Wed.

Warm, but humid day. Trustees of Fifth Ward school L. Isl. City call, name $2400.Cash as lowest price for the 4 lots in rear of Steinway school George H. Smith & Theron H. Burden assign margin of securities and 20% withheld by Commissioners to me as security. Carefully read through Cotterill masterly array in the will suit of Harbuckle Chas. H. St. telephones to me that a cablegram from his mother announces that August Fricke died at Berlin. Rud. v. B. +wife and Weimann called. M. Casimir-Pavier elected President of the Republic of France. Write a number of letters for Europe, to be manifolded early tomorrow & go with the Augusta Victoria

death of August Fricke at Berlin, today