The Diary

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NewYork, July 28th 1894. Astoria


To my great joy Baberich and his nurse arrive towards 2 P.M. he looks simply beautiful with his red cheeks and lustrous eyes, and after a few minutes recognises me again. J. O. Toussaint to supper, we play Skat win 10 Cents. Gave Julia Cassebeer $100 as a present

July 29th Sunday.

Very warm day. Work hard but having electricfan in my library I feel fairly comfortable. At 5.30 P.M. drive with L.v.B. over proposed racetrack and beach, which is filled with an immense crowd, larger than I ever saw there before. At 8 P.M. a thunder rain storm breaks loose. Saw Tobin +Walter C. Foster in forenoon relative to racetrack. Also met Mr. Chambers Supt of Stway Railway Comp and made appointment for next Wednesday. Todays Herald had facsimile of my order of the Red Eagle. Feel quite well, but have a little touch outside on my left middle joint, little finger

July 30th Monday.

Again excessively warm, to N.Y. City, stop and see Frank Ehret as to race track for a few minutes, Mrs. v. Meyerinck calls and pays $300 to me on acct. I release her furniture from my chattel Mtge. She joins her husband in California tomorrow. Lawyer H. H. Walker calls with Cuno J. Roentgen, we look over race track property + North Beach, they are delighted with it. War between Japan & China on acct of Corea has actually commenced. Work in ev'g at Mansion, left little finger well


July 31st Tuesd.

Very busy, H. H. Walker calls, gives me a number of Names from Syracuse who want to form an Association and rent my land with race track. S. Chatsky gets Mss. for Adt for Fair of E. S. Relief Association. Henry Ziegler calls on me, feels blue as he is constantly losing flesh. Japan seems to have again come off victorious in a naval battle, sinking a Chinese battleship and capturing two tenders. Home at Mansion writing. Growing a little cooler towards evg Rudolph v. Bernuth takes supper with us, Play Skat with him and H. A. Cassebeer, lose $1.56. Sleep well, being cooler

Aug 1st Wed.

Lovely cool day, Geo. H. Smith, his bro Leonard & Theron H. Burden call at 9 A.M. then Com. of Publicworks of L. Isl City H. W. Sharkey calls relative to fire house on Flushing Ave. pumping station, I drive him over to North Beach, show him outlet of Trains Meadow +water on St. +S. property not of Kouwenhoven street. He is a very