The Diary

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NewYork+Astoria Sept. 13th 1894.

Sept. 13th Thursday.

The Normannia sailed from Hamburg today with my boys, Theodor + Willie & their tutor Schmitz, and Mrs. Julia Cassebeer and her two youngest children on board, I cable them to Southampton where the Normannia will touch tomorrow. Played Skat in eng. with LvB. + Cassebeer, lose 98 Cents, Took a slight cold. Fell down in Mansion, no damage


Sept. 14th frid.

Had loose bowels, to St. Hall from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. It rained in the morning and remained gloomy + cool all day. Work in evg at Steinway Mansion. Nahum Stetson left for Chicago this morning, after stopping for a couple of hours at N. Stetson +Co. Philadelphia Business has taken a most gratifying turn for the better and lots of orders are coming in wholesale and retail

Sept. 15th sat.

Foggy in the morning but clearing up by 10 A.M. Rewrite Paula v. Bernuths last will and testament at her request. Steamboat Chancellor passes about 11.15 A.M. up Lg Isl. Sound. Only 55 persons of L.K. on board trip said to have been beautiful however, picnic of L.K. at Silverspring grove also a fizzle, only a couple of hundred persons attending. Played Skat with Toussaint, Cassebeer, L.v.Bernuth, win $1.35

Sept. 16th sund.

Lovely weather. McCabe calls, also Flachsenhaar, Dick Ranft, wife and daughter with us to supper & dinner, they take a spin in the Gemini, I drive with baberich & his nurse to North Beach, which is crowded with Visitors

Septbr 17th Mond.

At St. Hall. Am overrun with Mendicants, Thos. Kavanagh & wife send off power of Attorney to William Gardiner Sprigg, Melbourne to represent us in our acct agt that bankrupt concern "Allen +Co" Had a long talk with old Mrs. Love and Hannah Smith, present latter with a Vienna book in english, saw also Fanny Hirsch K. St. Burr, Alga Smith, and many others. At Mansion evg, Skat with L.v.B. +Cassebeer, lose 54 Cents

Sept 18th Tuesd.

Rained heavily all night and today, drive to City with Paula at 11.30 AM. News of a great battle bet. Chinese + Japanese in which the former are completely routed, with a loss of 16.000. dead wounded and prisoners. Frl. Anna Krüsi returned from Paupac Pa. last night. Miss Emily Faber called twice, I addressed school Com. Wehrum and Thomas Hunter twice to help her to obtain a teachers position in Public school At L.K. evg, introduced to Prof. Josef Hoffmann of Vienna, most interesting man