The Diary

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NewYork, Septbr. 19th 1894.

Sept. 19th Wed.

Aquinoxial storm all during night +today. Remain at Mansion. Gov. Flower yesterday declined a renomination as Governor, and Morton +Saxton recd the Republican Nomination for Governor + Vice Governor. Victory of the Japanese over Chinese full confirmed. Last friday my old friend Thomas H. Chambers was taken into our free bed in the German Hospital. I cabled to Reinhold L. Herman last monday when he would come, today his answer came "Middle November" Yesterday also settled upon a basis of having our pianos used in Seydls Philharmonic Orchestra travelling all over the U.S.– with Tretbar, Brown of the Musical Courier and Snow, the Seydl Agent. Builder Phillips has been at work on the new Steam fire Engine house on Flushing Ave. erecting by Astoria Homestead Co. for a week or so. The terrific rainstorm has clogged up the sewer on Potter Steinway Ave + backed up the water in Henriette J. Vietors cottages on Kouwenhoven street. Played Skat in evg, lost 12 Cents

Sept. 20th Thurs.

My right outside knee is still discolored from the fall a week ago, am almost hounded to death by mendicants all day, so that I am unable to write a line while I am at St. Hall. Dr. Satterlee calls in forenoon examines my leg +prescribes stronger medicine. Am called upon by Walker + Van Aken, also Rentien coming for Ullmann, both of whom want to rent my Astoria Homestead Comp. property and make all improvements themselves

Sept 21st frid.

Cassebeer telephoned last night that "Normannia" passed Fire Island. L.v.B. Paula, Julie Cassebeer start early to receive Willie +Theodor + Mrs. Julia Cassebeer & babies. Dr. Grafstrom bandages my right leg. Weather is beautiful. Theron H. Burden again called & borrowed $350. having best chance for nomination for Sheriff. Remain at Mansion til 11.15 A.M. writing, then drive to N.Y. find my boys looking healthy, in my office. Am pestered all day by Mendicants, do not get away til 6 P.M. + drive to Mansion with L.v.B. It is reported that Ritter von Politschek, Austrian Consul General has been expelled from Consular service for embezzlement. I feel quite well all day, and can walk much better than for the past few days.
