The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 24th 1894.

Novbr. 24th sat.

To St. Hall early, at 10 A.M. to Bk of the Metropolis, Bk. Examination, get $20 gold piece which I give to my daughter Paula From 1 P.M. at St. Hall am overrun by mendicants, An Spanuth with whom I have a long talk concerning concert Home in evg, Mr. Clancy from the N.Y. Herald interviews me on the Excise law, which will appear in tomorrows Herald.The Newspapers state that the Japanese have taken Fort Arthur in China, also that the Shoe +Leather Bank has lost $354.000. by a bookkeeper with the connivance of a depositor. Drs. Satterly +Smith called last Thursday. I have been more lame in right knee which is swollen and inflamed, after their painful injections

Novbr. 25th sund.

Beautiful clear cool day, work home in forenoon. Herald Article reflecting my views on Excise law reads splendidly. Maurice Grau has an interview in Herald (carefully avoiding the mention of our name or mine) on Rubinstein. At 2 P.M. drive with L.v.B. through Lg Isl. City, Steinway Ave. beautiully paved to beyond Broadway from Jackson Avenue. The new Engine house built by Astoria Homestead comp looks beautiful and is finished. Return by 92d str. Ferry, to L.K. via Central Park Music Com. Session, supper there, at 8 P.M. to Concert for benefit of the German Hospital at Carnegie Music Hall, Arion, Liederkranz, some of the United Singers, the Misses Sutro +c. Mrs. Louisa A. St. her sister Riekchen, Adolph Vietor+wife, Herman Schmidt and Teddy Cassebeer are with me in box 33. Have quite a pleasant chat with Mrs. Woerishoffer who sits in next box Concert very nice


Novbr. 26th Mond.

Terribly busy all day with getting up figures for Geo. W. Cotterill as to what was paid under Theo. Will on entailed shares. Home in evg, dictate to stenographer, whom Harry E. Freund brought with him my personal reminiscences of Anton Rubinstein in 1872-73 and of our last Meeting Septbr 14th 1892. Drs. Satterlee +Smith call, by my right knee being still inflamed they do not touch my knees. I have now been without massage for some10 days. Czar of Russia married today to Princess Alix of Hesse. Ex Mayor Patrick J. Gleason and Wm. H Williams have an encounter, and Williams draws a Revolver on Gleason, but both are separated by their friends

|| Chas. H. Steinway to funeral of Mrs. Wm. Mertens who died Saturday