The Diary

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NewYork+Astoria, July 9th 1895.


I drove with Paula to town. +work hard at St. Hall where I took supper

July 10th Wed.

Lovely day. To St. Hall early and excessively busy til 5½ P.M. This morning I was overwhelmed by mendicants, J. O Toussaint, A. de Camp, A. B. Rippe, E. Schmidt,: E. v. Moltke, Augustus Petri: also called, Mary Melville, Malcolm W. Niven Mrs. Bainbridge Smith and others, I turned a number away without seeing them, Home in evg working, play Skat with L.v.B. + Cassebeer, win 54 Cts:

July 11th Thursd.

cool cloudy day. Work all the forenoon with Philip Burkard on Mtge foreclosure and other matters. Herman J. Schmitz calls, I tell him that my Willie + Theodore Steinway are camping out with their tutor in Canada. The shooting festival closed yesterday. I work all day at my new will and nearly complete same. At 7.30 P.M. drive to Liederkranz, Vorstand and Board of Trustee session, report on Mtge matter to Savings Bks, but we resolve to issue new Mtge of $150.000. out of which to pay for new Electric plant, at 4½ percent, to members, Home at 11.30. PM

July 12th friday

Complete my new will ready for execution at Mansion in the forenoon. Drive to St. Hall, N.Y. at 10 A.M. weather beautiful and comparatively cool. Execute my will at 12 o’clock, being whollly in my handwriting before Harry D. Low, Friedrich Reidemeister and Carl Lohmann as attesting witnesses. I remain til 9 P.M. being completely exhausted by the interminable stream of beggars and mendicants. I give away and loan out many hundreds of dollars Arrive at Mansion 10.30 P.M. almost dead with over exertion


July 13thsat.

Weather unstable+rainy. Work all day at Mansion, all three children Maud, Meta +Bum now have the whooping cough, work hard til 11 P.M. have long talk with L.v.B. & Harry D. Low about Inquiry from Eldridge as to his purchase of N.Y. +College Point Ferry Co. George Ehret being agreeable to a sale


July 14th fri Sunday.

Beautiful day, Cars & Ferryboats crowded. I work incessantly til 3 P.M. +then drive with L.v.B. +Leonce via 92d str. Ferry +Central Park to 42d str. Grand Central Depot, meet Wessels, Harry E. Freund, and Harry D. Low, Give latter my new will and