The Diary

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NewYork +Buffalo, Aug 19th 1895.

Aug 19th Mond.

At St. Hall all day, long conference bet. Chas, Fritz St. Stetson& myself on Smith +Nixon troubles, excessively busy, work home at Mansion

Aug 20th Tuesd.

At St. Hall all day, working hard, at L.K. in evg, playing Skat with Nembach, Hoffmann + Kämmerer am ahead, when I leave for Astoria Mansion

Aug 21st Wed.

All day at my Gramercy Park house, with Chas. H. Fred. T. St. Nahum Stetson + Henry W. Crawford having a most exciting time with the latter on account of Smith +Nixons shaky financial position, and their excessive requirements for financial help, drive direct to Steinway Mansion from there, Horak called

Aug 22d Thursd.

At St. Hall, again have Crawford on my hand til 4 P.M. neither Chas. nor Fritz St. putting in an appearance and finally find a way in which to bridge over their troubles and making good their claim. A.J. Menzl, Mr. +Miss v. Poser call at Mansion in evg. Alexander Jonas .called as to Volksztg Adt

Aug 23d frid.

Dictate letters all forenoon at Mansion to Oberländer, Drive at 1 P.M. with Julia D. Cassebeer to Yorkville Bank, give her $200. with which she opens a Bank account there. Work hard at St. Hall til 6.30 P.M. then drive to Mansion, see Kübler and A. J. Menzl. Papers have foolish rumors as to abandoning Rapid Transit

Aug. 24th sat.

Hot but fine day. Remain at Mansion, called J. +V. Grimm and A.B. Rippe: in forenoon. Yesterday Harry D. Lowsold through Wood-Ruickenbocker $10.000. of my Steinway Railway bonds at 105½ net and int. accumulated without further brokerage. College Point and Flushing Electric road is consolidated into Steinway branch R.R. The third Mtggs on Patrick J. Gleasons Road is now being foreclosed. Drive to factory at 3 P.M. see Stiff of Oakes factory, arrangefix ing up of sub+water pipe connexion with St+Sons factories. Thence drive to Daimler Motor Company, meet Kübler +Erda, arrange fence, extra boiler renewing rotten wood foundation with brick piers +c. Weigh myself in Alpaca Coat without hat am 208 Pounds

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