The Diary

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NewYork, Decbr. 10th 1895.

Decbr. 10th Tuesd.

Remain home in forenoon and work +send out Janothas tickets. Murky weather. R. Ranft jr. recd Cablegram and I recd letter from Canzler that Papa Ranft is rapidly failing and is in imminent danger of death. Stetson is better, also Fred T. Steinway. At Rapid Transit Meeting, public discusson ofstations, but little interest manifested. I then drive toStetsons Office, where I make a brief address on the political conventions, then with L.v.B. +wife to Adolph Vietors house, where his youngest boy is baptized by Rev. Dr. Eaton, Carl Vietor & I as Godfathers, the child receives the name Carl William Vietor. At table I make a funny english speech creating roars of laughter,then at 9.30 P.M. drive to L.K. remain there til midnight, catch a glimpse of Harbuckle as he steps out wih Chas.W. Held


Decbr 11th Wed.

Beautiful cold day. Remain home til 1 P.M. L.v.B. to Lg. Isl. City, attends foreclosure of the Magee house, which brings $4700. Am excessively busy all day at St. Hall. Matinee of Sterling Janotha
Ahlwardt at Cooper Inst bom barded with rotten eggs

Decbr 12th Thursd.

Cold weather, freizing hard. At St. Hall til 10.30. P.M. working hard. Notices of Sterling-Janotha-Turry Matinee mostly unfavorable I have terrible trouble with these women constantly changing their minds and quarelling with each other, Little v. Perglass always swoops down on me
John C. Freund calls at my office in evg

Decbr. 13th friday.

Cold but fine day. Work hard at Steinway Hall til 6 P.M. Then drive home, charming brthday party of my daughter, she celebrating the 29th anniversary of her birthday. There were 30 people present. I made the speech Gustave J. Candidus “double quickstep” is played by “Youngs music of three” it is not bad, though crude. Retire after midnight. Again had many visitors during the day at Steinway Hall, among them M. Stannard_Carroll. whom I give $20. also

Decbr. 14th sat.

At. St. Hall 9 A.M. U.S. Rev. Coll. Edw. Grace, and Com. John A. Shields call, sell latter a 71/3 oct. A. Grand. At 1.30 P.M. with L.v.Bernuth via Ravenswood to “Steinway” A. Maurer reported dying. We look at Capponi + Nehrtens