The Diary

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NewYork, Sunday, Febr 9th 1896.

Sund. Febr. 9.

Work all day. to 6.30 PM then to Henry Zieglers house, to birthday party of Fritz T. St. +Addie Ziegler. Pleasant party, make speech, gving funny incidents of their youth. Sing some songs am in good voice, then play Skat with Vietor, Louisa A. St. H. A. Cassebeer win 54 Cts. home at 11 P.M. Was not at L.K. Concert

Febr. 10th Mond.

Many calls all day at St. Hall til 10.30 P.M. Stetson ill in bed. Chas. H. St. at Phila about Ins. Chas A. Kittle calls, distinctly remembers agreement in writing with Trask,his pointing out my saying 3500 Shares of Stock E.R.G.L.Co. at $50. and I writing Trask in his and Harry D. Lows presence on March 22d 1890 my letter to Trask and Low taking it to deliver to Trask at his house. Many callers, Foell, E. Schmidt: Trenkmann. and others. Mrs. Wick +G. Heyne called

Febr. 11th Tuesd.

At 9 A.M. to queens County Court house, testify in the unfortunate Burden family squabble, that Capt. Henry Burden with Chas. E. Burden called on me with large maps of his property at Ravenswood on Sunday afternoon Decbr 6th 1891 and offered it to me for $60.000. stating that he owned it and never had parted possession of it. Am pestered by a Mrs. Francesconi, Janitress of the Williams flats, give her $20. as a donation. At L.K. in evg after 9 P.M. Met Herr Jung-Haendel of Berlin Feel affection in my right knee. Saw Harbuckle at L.K. for a moment

from 10 A.M. to 12 M consulting with A.J. Menzl about various matters

Febr. 12th Wednesday.

Lincolns birthday, for the first time a legal holiday Cotterill called, state Trask, absurd demand to him. Also held conference with H. Ziegler, Fred T. St. +Stetson on various topics. At 4:30 P.M. to “Deutscher Verein” confer on bonds + come to a conclusion to recommend paying 2½ Int In Cash,and Scrip for bal of int. Return to store and work til 10.30 P.M. Recd from Germania Life Ins. Co. check for $7.630.35/100. Papa Ranfts Life Ins. one half as Administrator of my late wife, and ½ as Attorney for Martha Louise Canzler Among other callers E. Schilling.

Febr. 13th Thursd.

Work at home til 1 P.M. Have a most disagreeable scene with Reinhold Geilfuss before Adam Weber. Miss Heckle and Dr. Northrop call, take my first treatment of Oxygen at 5 P.M. Called Foell, G. Heyne, Miss Hanna Saxer, receive letter from Lilian Nordica thanking me