The Diary

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NewYorkCity + Astoria, Septbr 4th 1896.

Sept. 4th frid.

Work til 1 P.M. at Mansion drive with daughter Paula to N.Y. I reach St. Hall at 2 P.M. have many callers, get off my mail to Europe by 9.30 P.M. reach Mansion Astoria at 11 P.M. being quite cool I enjoy a good nights sleep

Sept. 5th sat.

Cool weather. Large Gold importation this week, but business still practically at a standstill, and money tight and fetching 10 pr.Ct. The distress is apalling, the Vermont State election resulted in nearly 40.000. republican majority or rather plurality. I remain at Mansion, working. Fr. Kuebler calls in forenoon Julia D. Cassebeer calls, looking in best of health. It rains quite heavily in afternoon and evg, looked over list of passengers on Augusta Victoria, and find quite a number of names, who have undoubtedly seen the Grotrian piano

Sept. 6th sund.

Rains incessantly til 4 P.M. when it clears up. Carlv. Bernuth and Richard Ranft, wife+child at dinner with us, I work hard with Richard Ranft and go over inventory, copartnership articles betw. him and his father + Oskar Canzlers letters, and we find that on the whole Martha Canzlers claims are correct. I give David Wenz $5. he being 40 years old today, and by him send quite a mail to N.Y. + afterwards again by Richard Ranft. My left knee slightly affected by bad weather

Septbr. 7th Mond.

Beautiful Ideal day. Am called on by Paul Gürbach of Seesen who looks for a position, speaks english very poorly. J. O. Toussaint also calls, have a long consultation with with Ernest Urchs as to future matters in Cincinnati +c. Emperor Wilhelm II met Zar Nicholas II at Breslau last Thursday, Meeting very cordial. Drove out with A. J. Menzl, saw steamboat Rosedale in Hallets Cove, sunk+beached. Saw Carhouse Jackson Ave. Wood side nearly finished + St. Ave. therefore at Steinway cleared of all the cars + other things. Saw Jacksons Mill Pond dammed quite up and large Lake created which Gleasons Water Comp. proposes to utilize. In ev’g work on Grotrian case, and explain and make in a long letter to v. Holwede, the proofs I found agt Grotrian

Sept. 8th Tuesd.

Drive with L.v.Bernuth via 34th str. to St. Hall, am pounced upon by quite a number of Mendicants all day, saw Sidond Trenkman, H. Conried Carl+Henry Wolfsohn and the latters daughter Clara Wolfsohn who all