The Diary

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New York, Sept 25th 1870.

Sept 25. Sunday.

Com. Meeting at L.K. in forenoon. Frank visits us in aft. Drive to Lion Brewery. Take Supper there

" 26th Monday.

At Nilsson Concert in eve With Theodore at L.K. afterwards. Mehlig plays this week for Strakosch


" 27th Tuesday.

Have loose Bowels, Theo. also At L.K. in eveg. Concert Committee meeting afterwards

" 28th Wednesday.

Theodor sick with Catarrh. At Nilsson Concert in eveg, with Consul Kuhne & wife. Ulrich & wife Have Oysters afterwards at Monument house

" 29th Thursday.

Theodor in bed sick. At l in bed sick. At L.K. in evening Bd. of Trustee meeting. News, Surrender of Strassburg

" 30th friday.

wife & Reg. at Nilsson Concert. Ladies meeting at our Warerooms. With Stiastny at Executive Committee meeting Rehearsal of L.K. & Arion at Germania Afterwards at friday Kegelklub, drink Milwaukee & Champagne

Octbr 1st Sat.

Very hot day. Miß Mehlig plays for the last time for Strakosch at Matinee. In eveg. Lizzie Ziegler with her intended, Mr. Cassebeer spends evening at our house

" 2d Sund.

News of Repulse of French sortie from Paris. Rehearsal for Concert, at Steinway Hall 10 A.M. Meet L. Funcke there & condole with him. Drive uptown & spend afternoon with father & Theodor Immense Concert in eveg. Hall crowded & all a success At L.K. afterwards. Theodore well again

" 3d Mond.

Wife & Reinerl call for me in carriage at 5 P.M.

" 4th Tuesd.

At L.K. in evening. Stay til 1½ A.M. walk up in afternoon. let my goatee grow

" 5 Wednesd.

With Albert drive to Bowery Bay, look over Pike place, drive to Douglass drive through his place. While going over our Salt Meadows, get wet feet. Put on clean stockings at home. With wife Reinel, & Albert at Seebach. Jane Eyre given I commence to feel Rheumatism in my right knee during performance.

" 6th Thursd.

Rheumatism still slightly in my knee after supper feel nauseous and ill & remain at home

" 7th friday.

At ladies meeting, am quite well, make motion as to programme & is carried. at farm with father & Theodor