The Diary

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New York, Octbr 7th 1871

Octbr 7th Sat.

Right foot effected, so that I cannot walk fast without limping Right seat very much affected. Ride to Tax Office, pay personal taxes Drive up Broadway, Eat Dinner at Dining Room St. Charles Hotel At Home in eve'g writing. Albt & Louise return from the West. 17th bath

Oct 8th Sund.

Lovely day, but I have to remain in bed right seat bone being so affected that I cannot walk, also right foot. Wm. Warge calls on me in the Morning. Send for Dr. Gardner, take Laville, Dr. Gardners Powder of Iodine and Potash makes me very nauseous

Oct 9th Mond.

Beautiful day. News that Chicago is in Flames I get up, my seat bone is better, but both of my knees affected underneath Walk very slowly. Mrs. Thomas calls at 9 P.M. to ascertain if I heard anything of her husband arrival at Chicago which I have not. Am apprehensive that besides losing the three Grand pianos will perhaps lose by Nixon. family at Dolby Concerts

Oct 10th Tuesday.

Feel better, though knees are yet affected Down to Store Dreadful Excitement in the City, and fears of general collapse of nearly all Ins. Companies I drink Milk & eat Bread morn. & night and Barley soup at noon At home in eveg writing.
date of water grant

Oct 11th Wed.

Feel firstrate, can walk upon my toes, go down town with Albert we see Gunnell, Engineer, go with him to Mayor Ditmars, dine at Schedlers call on Ballin, also on Cotterill, receive from him the Patent granting us the 55 Acres 55/100 Waterfront from State of New York. My wifes birthday, 28 years old. I give her $200, she buys bracelets for it, which children hand to her. In eve'g, Theo. & wife, Albt & wife & Reck are with us


Octbr 12th Thursd.

My coal comes in. My little Alfred's birthday, he is two years old, splendid smart and healthy Boy. He receives nice presents My nose is sore on right side. In eveg with wife and niece at Kreischers Wedding party wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... in morn

Lizzie Cassebeer has a little daughter

Octbr. 13th frid.

Feel first rate, put Oil silk on my feet & walk home from Store in eveg. Nose very sore. At home in eveg


Octbr 14th sat.

Walk down to store with Oil silk on my feet. In eveg my wife, niece & myself at Wallacks, The "jealous wife" given very nicely go home in Stage. Wife and niece at English Opera Matinee in afternoon