The Diary

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New York, March 27th 1872

March 27th Wed.

Fine weather, preparations going on all day for Party which I give in celebration of the engagement of Lizzie Vogel to Mr. Deppermann of Hamburg. Albert is said to be worse Party commences at 9 P.M. Present, Tretbar and wife Dachauer, wife, Sarasate, Miß Krebs & Miss Michalesi Dr. Gardner, wife & daughter Lulu, Cassebeer, Hermann Cassebeer Miß Cassebeer, Hornbostl & wife, Young Deppermann & wife Reck, Dannatt, Grenser, Young Funke, Candidus, wife Addie, Lizzie Vogel, My Mother, Johanne, Mrs. Albert St, Rieke Kreischer & Geo. Kreischer, Petri, S. B. Mills, wife and his brother, Steinhäuer, Ziegler, wife & Julia Ziegler Henry Ziegler, Charles & Henry, Mr. Munos and wife Candidus Tretbar & I sing Trio by Curschmann very nicely Krebs & Mills play, also Sarasate, Eben & five Musicians play. Whole affair very nice, ends at 4½ AM During the night I feel gout in arch of both feet

March 28th Thursday.

Put Oil Silk around my feet. Glorious Spring day. Gout nearly gone in evening. In afternoon with Theodor & Albert both much better. At home in eveg, wife, Reinel & Charles St. to Catholic Church on 28th street. they return soon, not having found room

March 29th friday.

At 1 P.M. drive over to our farm with wife and children. Henry Ziegler & Henry & Chas. Steinway also out there. Tide gate progressing finely and Stonework nearly high enough for brick arch Children amuse themselves splendidly the roads are very bad. In evening I am at L.K. at Abschiedsessen the friends of Otto Arens give him, who starts for Europe next day.