The Diary

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New York, December 28th 1872.

Decbr 28th Sat.

Clear cold day, walk down to Store. Have final Payday at the factory. Have stopped the casemakers, bellymen +c. from Decbr 25th to Saturday Jan'y 4th, having too much stock in these branches Write letter of explanation to Thos. B. Van Buren, which Tretbar first shows to F. C. Chickering. Albert takes supper with us at Thomas Symphony Concert in eve'g, Wife & Niece stay home

Dec 29th Sunday.

Am at Store in forenoon. See Maurice Grau and Reck Spend afternoon & evening at Zieglers with Theodore & Albert fine Sleighing, it is moderating.

Dec 30th Monday.

Weather mild & thawing. Rubinstein returns from Boston & calls on us. Final payday. I call on old Mr. Grau at Solicitation of his brother Hermann__at 18th street, find him speechless, lamed on the right side, and in bed It is impoßible to communicate with him. Am home in eveg, Chas. Steinway with us, wife not quite well. Wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... strong.


Decbr 31st

Gloomy wet day, alternately snowing and raining Am excessively busy. In eveg Reck at my house til Midnight Women casting lead. I am at Zieglers house from 8 P.M. til 12½ A.M. Theodore has prepared a bowl, Miß Eberspacher, Hornbostls, Cassebeers We pass the time very pleasantly, at precisely 12. I make a little speech and we all jump into the year 1873. Home at 12½ AM 

