The Diary

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New York, May 3d, 1874.

May 3d Sunday.

At Store in forenoon, writing letters, at Alberts house play Solo 60 until 10.30. Keidel of Knabe & Co at my house at noon

May 4th Monday,

Payday, am excessively busy, am up at Lexington Ave house find everything in perfect order, I miss Mr. Hamilton and party who waited there half an hour. In afternoon Dr. John C. Minor 10 East 41st street wants to buy my place for a Womens Hospital, at German Savgs Bk in eve'g, Grote's application is refused, then go to German Theatre where my wife is +walk home with her.

May 5th Tuesday.

Rain. Hamilton calls, offers to buy the four front lots only for 37th str. Methodist Church I tell him I cannot close today. Afterwards Dr. Miner comes & tells me that the Womans College have delegated Maltby G. Lane of 100. 4th Ave to close with me for the Lex. Ave. Property. Dammköhler, formerly Seesen, of Milwaukee calls on me. Fred. Steins takes supper with us I work at Store til 10 P.M. then go to L.K. sing, we resolve in Vorstand to make Papa Windmüller honorary Member, Ständchen, and Members to subscribe for a token .

May 6th Wed.

Call at the House of Mrs. Maltby G. Lane, with her and several other ladies to 301 Lex. Ave, look all over the place. Dr. Miner and the ladies are delighted with it. At 11 A.M. Dr. Miner