The Diary

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New York, May 17th 1874.

May 17th Sunday.

Splendid day, at the store in forenoon, go through factory take dinner with Albert, play Solo 60 with him Reck & H. Steinway til eveg,

May 18th Monday,

dine at German Club, at German Savings Bank afterwards, then at Thies with Wallach, Günther +c

May 19th Tuesday,

at factory at 11 A.M. look over Theodors instructions to Hobein, with him, Albert & Kröger we decide to re-adopt our former style of making soundboards.In afternoon with Albert, H. Kleber young Kleber & Mrs. Kleber to Astoria. Rassiga's house is nearly finished, Riker Ave about 18 feet wide to the Creek. I drive to Van Alst, ask to survey lots for Rassiga & Schmidt, then drive to Berger who strongly urges us to have an Auction Sale of lots I also see Mr. Penfield at No 2. Borden Avenue in regard to the Medical College for Women Play solo 60 with Albert & Henry Steinway in evg


May 20th Wed.

Very busy all day, raining & dark from 6 P.M. to 7½ have a long talk with Geilfuß which seems to make a deep impression upon him At C. Schwarz's Saloon afterwards playing cards with Nembach, Maas & Hensel.

May 21st Thursday,

Splendid day, eat dinner at Alberts, play two Games of 66 with him which I both win Mr. Yenni, Papa Windmüllers son in law died last night At L.K. in eve'g, play Whist with Winter, Müller, Schau afterwards Seven up with Dr. Brunck & Hoffmann