The Diary

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New York, June 12th 1874.

June 12th friday,

Rainy, gloomy day, Consult with Cotterill til 6 P.M. about my housematter, In eveg Fr. Steins & wife to dinner with me, Fred & I then go to Pagenstechers, where we sing with him & Toussaint until 11½

June 13th saturday.

Weather cool and nice, see Wyckoff am notified that Continental Ins. Comp. will take Pike Mortgage, I visit them, get letter from Theodore, most unjust on Albert, see Mr. and Mrs. Ely No. 32 W. 37th street in eveg

June 14th Sunday,

Splendid mild weather Drive to farm with Reck, take box of Wine along, we spend the afternoon there Ottmann & Held come there to, Dorette & Cassebeers like it very much there, Riker Avenue will be done in about one week. In eve'g stop at Mrs. Alberts.

June 15th Monday.

With Cotterill and Penfield at Meeting of N.Y. Medical College for Women, they resolve to take my property if I will take it back, in case they are prevented from occupying the same by lawsuit, I work in eveg, at Hopfengarten Thies & Schwarz afterwards spend

June 16th Tuesday.

Work drawing out deeds & documents til 10½ in Store, Fr. Steins taking supper at my house, at L.K. afterwards

June 17th Wed.

With Mr. Cotterill & Penfield at the house of Mrs. Ely settle features of guarantee to be given by me In afternoon at Mrs. Sackett, Tax Commißioners, at L. I. Bridge Meeting, am elected Chairman of Executive Committee Work all afternoon with Cotterill about Documents ... ..... . _. _..
