The Diary

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New York, July 11th 1874.

July 11th sat.

Rather hot again, in eve'g at Tretbars with Dr. Gardner, playing solo 60. I win $1.60 Tretbar explains Skaat to us home at 11 PM

July 12th Sunday.

Very hot & copious rains, Breakfast with Dr. Gardner & Blood, his Son in law, the Doctor evinces a great dislike for him, In afternoon with Henry Cassebeer jr. at farm, in eveg, play Kreuz Marriage at Zieglers, with Cassebeer H. St. & Charles Held, buy Blackberry Brandy

July 13th Monday.

With Tretbar at Dr. Gardners play solo 60 Tretbar beats us badly, gets 3 Nullos, home at 12

July 14th Tuesday,

drive out in afternoon Boulevard dinner at Zieglers, Biedermann directs for the first time, afterwards Kneiperei, test case 66 with Nembach, beat him.

July 15th Wed.

It has been intensely hot, I take a Douche bath every morning. I start for Sharon Springs by H.R.R.R. train at 11 P.M. Very hot Immense Crowds to witness Regatta at Saratoga

July 16th Thursday.

arrive at Albany at 6.35 A.M. proceed to Sharon Springs pr. A. & S. R.R. arrive at Union Hall about 10.45. find that my pocket book with about $125. has either been lost or stolen. Very nice and cool, play 66 with Chas. Schwarz, Frey and Kuthruff


July 17th friday,

proceed at 2 P.M. to Palatine Bridge, make acquaintance of Mr. Mark, of Max Stadler & Co. Cinc. take lightning Express train to Buffalo, arrive at 1120. George drives me home