The Diary

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New York August 9th 1874.

Sunday Aug 9th.

Business has been excessively dull last week, It rains badly til noon. I work all day til noon at home, in afternoon in the Store, draw deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, call on Lizzie Cassebeer, see her splendid little Boy, go to L.K. eat there, play solo 60 with Moeller and the two Dessoirs, win 90 Cents

Monday Aug 10th

Wake up with heavy touch in my left foot, so that I must walk very slowly, I dine with Mrs. Albert at Heims, but eat very little, drive uptown in eve'g, eat at Zieglers, home at 10 PM.

Tuesday. Aug 11th

Business still very slow, weather delightful, touch nearly over. At L.K. in eveg, sing Solo in Waldabendschein splendidly, walk from Washington Square to LK

Wednesday Aug 12th

Am perfectly well again. With Reck, Mother, Mrs. Ziegler & H. Ziegler to farm they are widening road over meadows to factory for the purpose of filling in behind the factory. At home in eveg with Reck after taking supper at Chas. Schedler (who has Gennbile) having driven there with Reck in Alberts buggy Play cards with him at my house, win.

Aug 13th Thursday,

Rather warm day, Eat dinner at Rommelsbachers, laugh & chat at Klamroths table, At LK in eve'g, we try Biedermanns new song, I am in fine voice, we play 66 with Nembach who loses