The Diary

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New York, June 5th 1875.

June 5th sat.

fine but warm day. At 10½ A.M. my wife, Reinel, Miß Flach with her father leave for Buffalo. In eveg, Steins, Theodor and I at Sieghörtners, Wissenschaftlicher Verein Stiftungsfest, we sing, am in fine voice, home after 1 A.M.

June 6th Sunday.

Very warm day. At 9 AM with my children to the farm to which Henry Cassebeer & family moved Yesterday. Theodor and Albert with me, Theodors new Iron Stimmstock cast, our Metal is of immense strength children remain til 6 P.M. and Ellen takes them home by cars. I play Skat at Alberts house in the afternoon, and Whist with Theodore & Albert in eveg, lose 55 Cents

June 7th Monday,

Very busy all day, at German Savings Bank in eveg, afterwards with Theodore at "Namenlosen" at Heims til 12½ A.M. L. Stern was also there. 5th bath

June 8th Tuesday.

In afternoon with the Children at Schedlers Reservoir Park Hotel, take supper there, home at 9 P.M. I go to L.K. play Skat with Maas & Philippi win 2 Cents, on way home meet S. B. Mills in cars, drunk

June 9th Wednesday.

Young Lindeman calls, I give him permißion to make 50 more pianos, 12 verbally also see Poppenhusen who tells me that Judge Hilton will probably cause A. T. Stewart to take $100.000 Stock in