The Diary

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New York, July 22d 1875.

July 22d Thursday.

Meet Capt. Bussius, Luther & Lederle at Rommelsbachers, take lunch then via Morrisania boat & Fulton street to Astoria, also Meet Carl Rose, Edward Warburg, & Fr. Steins on the boat, in two Carriages to our factories, start from our Dock in Creek, sail out to Execution Rock, & return at 7 P.M. to 92d str. N.Y. take a little Supper at Zieglers, see Stechart & his affianced, Emma Cassebeer Rheumatism in Axis grows very bad so that I reach home under difficulties


July 23d Friday.

Can barely get out of bed, remain home in the library, have a long consultation from with Maxwell, am afterward visited by Theodore, Harding calls in eve'g shows me elegant design of Plain American Truss Bridge. Have much difficulty to walk between two canes & get into bed


July 24th satuday.

I feel much better and walk to the Store where I stay all day and where I am steadily improving, consult Dr. C. BrĂ¼ninghausen, who examines me thoroughly gives me something to rub in, advises me to drink Vichy with Lithia, and perhaps take Russian Vapor baths, also after a while to ride on horseback