The Diary

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Cornwall, Septbr. 13th 1875.

Septbr 13th Monday.

Dense fog at Cornwall and surrounding Mountains, also some rain After a pleasant trip arrive at N.Y. at 11ΒΌ A.M. with Theodore. My wife in town, take lunch at home. Payday Money exceedingly slow, and Business horribly dull, prospects are very blue indeed Am uptown in eve'g, after walking some to 4th Ave. & 19th str play Whist with Albert Ziegler & Theo. take my first Oysters for the Season in Third Ave. coming home
By Mary Powell Meet L. Stern near my house at 6 P.M.

Sept 14th Tuesday.

Splendid weather, business next to nothing, am very short of money, which comes in exceedingly slow. Agreed with Luyster to pay off $14.000 on their Mortgage in the first days of Decbr. Take dinner

Sep 15th

at Rommelsbachers, at 3 P.M. via Greenpoint with Mr. Chas. Cooper over to our farm, show him my Rapalye property, Douglass also to Strongs Point Remain overnight at our farm house, H. Cassebeer jr and wife to Boston. Whole Cassebeer family there, we play Skat, I lose 84 Cents, Sleep splendidly

Sep 14th

At L.K. in eve'g, Music Committee meeting afterwards play Skat with Heuser, Poggenburg and Biedermann lose 74 Cents

Sept 16th Thursday.

To Town in the morning via steamboat Harlem, foggy close weather, at last Contracts between Strakosch, Williams Agt for Arabella