The Diary

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New York, Novbr 22d 1875.

Novbr 22d Monday.

Cold clear day. Letter from Theodore wants us to answer Ullmanns letter to the Concordia, and also to fire away here at Bülow His private letter as to Reinels manipulations almost crushes me. In evening wife and I Albert & wife, Eddy & Rieke Kreischer at Bülow Concert he plays Telschowßky Concert, very finely, but Composition poor, afterwards we are at Delmonicos I suffer with Brustschmerzen and feel so sad that I am constantly on the point of breaking down

Novbr 23d Tuesday,

Rainstorm all day, Albert lunches with me at Schuelers, my mental sufferings continue with an intensity, as to make it unbearable, there is an almost constant pain around my heart. Wife with Mrs. Dachauer to Countess Vetter, afterwards at Steinway Hall, I call on Cassebeers, afterwards at L.K. play Solo 60. with Müller & Hoffmann Win 90. Cents. Home at 12½. Earnest and exciting talk with wife til 3½ A.M. We both suffer terribly in mind. letter from Reinel dated on board of ship Rhein, Novbr 6th Postmarked Novbr 9th at Southampton

Novbr 24th Wed.

Very warm sunny day, I feel a remote touch in left heel, oppressive feeling in region of my heart continues, have much trouble with finances, Gray having no money in Bank to meet his note to us. Mrs. Moen calls, they go to Guatemala, I direct that the piano be sent for, which she had for seven years