The Diary

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New York, Novbr 27th 1875.

Novbr 27th sat.

Yesterday our two Policemen from Astoria and this morning Mr. Reimer and wife, and Voelcker come, accusing each other of assault & wounding on Thanksgiving day. It is plain that both policemen were drunk. Albert must make an investigation. fine cool day. In eve'g with wife & Mrs. Dachauer at Park Theatre, The Mighty Dollar given, very nicely. I notice Bülow in one of the Boxes. Take Mrs. Dachauer home from my house at 11½ PM

Nobr 28th Sunday.

In forenoon at store, take a long walk, stop for a few minutes at Cassebeers, then at Schuelers, 14th street, home for lunch. I am against seized with despair & Brustschmerzen, and can barely keep back my tears, as we are uptown and the children are caressed by my dear old mother, Play Skat with Ziegler & Henry Cassebeer, lose 7 Cents Supper at home, play 66 with C. Steinway win 75 Cts play Skat with H. & C. Steinway and Reck, win 45 Cts in addition, Mr. & Mrs. Dachauer also there

Novbr 29th Monday.

Fine, cold day. At 11 A.M. at Executive Com at 11 Mercer street, we appoint Genl Gillmore Barnard U.S.A. Engineers, and O. Chanut O. Chanute, chief Engineer of the Erie RR to be a board of consulting engineers for the N.Y. and Long Isl. Bridge Co. Am quite busy with financial matters all day. Hallgarten give Tretbar $15.000 on account of paper offered them for discount