The Diary

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New York, Jan 30th 1876


to Cassebeers. In evening Dachauer come Play Skat with H. Steinway & Reck.

Jan 31st Monday.

At Supreme Court in the forenoon with Cotterill & Bartlett, our case does not come off. At 11 A.M. at Board of Education with Glaubensklee, Ellinger, Ottendorfer, Dr. Jarcke Julius Biers and several others, address President Wood on the Subject of German Tuition. I also make a brief powerful appeal to him. At 1 P.M. Session of Committee for pianomaker at 2 P.M. in the smaller Steinway Hall 65 parties appear and to our intense disgust J. P. Hale is elected President and Weber Secretary, through having a lot of piano dealers & outside parties there packed by Weber & Hale. In evening am up to 50th street, home by 9 PM play Skat with Geo Kreischer & Albert & afterwards Reck. win 40 Cents. Wife to Steinway Hall with Paula & Ditz.


Febr 1st Tuesday.

At 10 AM at Supreme Court at last by 12 oclock Bartlett and Cotterill come together and we go before Judge Donohue in his private Room, and there our case comes off I being the sole witness in the case. I then go with Cotterill to Tafelrunde, on reaching office meet young Haines there, who will get up Meeting of other pianomakers