The Diary

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New York, Febr 18th 1876.

Febr 18th friday.

Fine day. Gout somewhat better, but on top of left foot some spots are left which are painful. Long Article in the World of Interviews between myself and Webers, mine being most incorrectly given, and Webers being in his usual bombastic style. See Cotterill, after dining with Tafelrunde, he promises me to have his findings ready by Monday at 2 P.M. I inform Mr. Bartlett to please attend. Take Supper at home, to Store again at 7 P.M. working! Mrs. Dachauer eats with us At 4 P.M. Attend Meeting of Board at Hazeltons Take Supper home, at Concert Steinway Hall, hear Boscovitz play Centennial Grand home at 11 P.M

Pay Thomas Dunlop Com. of Jurors $50

Febr 19th Sat.

Beautiful day, Gout seems to be entirely gone Am excessively busy with Press men, lunch at Schuelers, have my hair cut, & look much younger I am again in deepest distress of mind all day Take Supper at home, wife still in bed sick, play Skat with Ch. & H. Steinway, lose 12 Cents, Charles wins enormously

Febr 20th Sunday.

At Store in forenoon, walk a great deal by 4th Ave. Car. Uptown, take dinner with Albert spend afternoon with him, play Skat with him H. Cassebeer & Ziegler lose 8 Cents. For Supper home, Albert, Louise & the boys there. Play Skat with them until 11 oclock, lose 31 Cents. Dachauer & wife there, spend eve'g with wife who is in bed yet.