The Diary

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New York, June 1st 1876.

June 1st Thurs.

Beautiful Spring day, Georgie and Paula are well, very busy, pay Interest due to Life Ins. Companies, See Follet, also Fr. Steins, At Bk of the Metr at 4 P.M. Fixed Money Matters for June all O. K. now. At 7 P.M. with Papa Windmüller to the Wedding of C. D. Graff with Miß Langman at Ravenswood. Candidus stops at my house, goes to Hippodrome. Fred. Steins and wife stop over night at my house

June 2d friday.

Am down town, with Tafelrunde, make various calls, in eveg, have Tretbar & Candidus for supper, they go Uptown, find Albert and Theodor returned from Philadelphia, I work look over our deeds to the Corporation, find all O. K. also set up Theodores declaration as to the Brunswick Concern, to Bed at 11 PM.

June 3d sat.

Fine warm day, See both Theodor and Albert Consult with Cotterill & Candidus, conclude not to make any application to the Surrogate at present am at Tafelrunde, order French Abklatsch to be made of book as far as set up, for the use of the french Juror next Monday. I call on U. S. Comm. Shields meet Keefe, endeavor to get excused from the US Jury on the Ground of being on the Sweeny Jury Then deposit our deed to "Steinway & Sons" of all our New York property at the Hall of Records Have touch in my right knee and right elbow Remain home in eveg, to bed at 9 PM take gout pills

am at U. S. Court see Com. Shields & Keefe, the latter promises to get me off the Jury