The Diary

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New York, December 2d 1876.

Decbr 2d sat.

To my great Joy find official certificate of our Machinery Hall Report at our Office, having come by mail. Write R.R. sending her blank assignment of Mortgage by her Uncle John Roos. Write Theodore enclosing him various proposed Advts. Carlberg called yesterday to borrow $700. to get Opera Troupe of Flying Dutchman from Detroit, which I refuse. This morning receive telegram from Frank Snow that the whole troupe of 54 persons is at Detroit without money. See Crall & Phelps in afternoon fixing up editorial notice, At Thomas Concert in evening, afterwards at Helvetia Concert at Teutonia Hall, see Pastor Krüsi & wife also Fritz Steins have a talk with the latter relative to Wehrle & Stern Home at 11½ P.M. Very cold & snow storm


Decbr 3d Sunday.

Fine mild day. At Store in forenoon writing, then after a short walk through 13th street to Alberts house, spend a little time in the factory lunch with him, look at houses on 53d street which are finished, and on S.S. 52d str., which are all enclosed. At the cor. of 52d str. & 4th Ave. foundations are being laid. After lunch walk with Albert & Louise to Zieglers house on Madison Ave, play Skat with Ziegler & Hy Cassebeer, lose 33 Cents. After Supper play with Herman Cassebeer& C. Steinway lose 21 Cents. Home at 11 P.M. with 4th Ave Car. I sleep quite well, and on waking in the morning, find myself perfectly well. Mrs. Evers Son stops over night with us