The Diary

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New York, Decbr 17th 1876.

Decbr 17th Sunday.

Cold & clear, Georgie again lame in left foot, heel tendon seems to be sprained, he remains home. I examine Cellar, listen to servants statement about Robert, who seems to drink lately. Walk to store then to 4th Ave. where I pass Reck, through 13th street back to Store. Have lengthy talk with Robert who knew Redheads relations with R.R. ever since fall of 1871. I tell him not to come to my house any more to attend the fires, but that Louis will attend to them, lunch at home, visit Papa Kreischer, meet Albert with Hettie there, home at 6 P.M. then work til 10½ P.M. finishing Memorandum for Genl Oliver.

Decbr 18th Monday.

Snow & Rainstorm all day. Conclude with Albert to add more fire escapes to the Galleries of Steinway Hall Pay day. Send off Material to General Oliver. Mr. Kimball from Chicago calls on me, shows me letter from Chickering, demanding to know why two Medals have been awarded to us. Georgie has sprained his foot at dancing school, Dr. Lellmann examines him must rest very quiet & sugar of lead water applied Drive up with buggy to Albert. Rehbraten & Braunkohl Mother still very sick, lying on sofa below, and has cramps in her jaw occasionally. Ella has a bad attack of Scarlet Rheumatism I play Skat with Albert & Louise, & win 52 Cents, at 10½ drive home in Carriage Fearful snowstorm & afterwards very cold.

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