The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 11th 1877.

Jan 11th Thursday.

Fradel tells me that both Chickering and Bristow asked him relative to me and my late wife. Fr. Steins & C. Wilhelms at supper with us, I am at Masked Ball Session at L.K. afterwards we sing Quartett in the Basement, am in fine voice Home at 12 oclock, walking up with Grasse.

Jany 12th friday.

Saw Vandyke in the morning, hand him $150. in Cash. Wehrle comes in, tells me that he heard that I wanted to ruin him, I pacify him on showing the utter absurdity of such balderdash. In evening bad Snowstorm, I go through 18th str. home & after supper to F. Wiebusch, where I meet Toussaint & Pagenstecher. we sing very nice Quartetts, especially "Verlossen" and "Lotusblume" home at 12 o'clock sleep well.
Close $50.000. Mtge on S. S. 52d street

Jan 13th Sat.

Fine day. Pay Paula $1.20. and Georgie 85 Cents for shovelling Snow, lunch at Rathskeller, then at Registers Office, read through Chickering lease +c then down town extra Versammlung German Society, Resignation of Treasurer Buck & Election of Mr. Brunn for that Office. In eve'g at Alberts house, Ella & Hettie growing better, Mother very well, I play Skat with Albert & his wife, lose 17 Cents

Jan'y 14th Sunday.

Beautiful day. At Store in forenoon. I decide to have our Centennial Wall put in the front of our small Hall. In afternoon Sleighride with my children to Zieglers, play Skat there til 11 P.M. with Ziegler Nathusius, C. St. + Eberspacher, lose 45 Cents.
Learn Ida Cassebeer is engaged to Dr. Hesse