The Diary

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N.Y., January 18th 1877.

Jan 18th--

he disputing all the Towage bills & allowance for hollow logs. Eat a light dinner in eve'g. At 8 P.M Have a nice Quartett, ev'g there, Toussaint, Pagenstecher & wife, Wiebusch & wife, Tretbar & Wife, Papa Cassebeer & wife, H. Cassebeer & wife, Albert & wife & Rieke Kreischer, we have a nice sing, Toussaint being a little high, have some Oysters, wine, beer up til nearly 2 AM

Jan 19th friday.

Van dyke calls again, tells me that Weber has decided not to answer, and to abandon Bristow +c Stetson telegraphs from Phila that Pettit is in N.Y. and that he, Stetson, will remain there til Saturday, am home in eve'g very tired, go to bed at 9 P.M. but sleep very uneasily

Jan 20th sat.

Raining hard & foggy weather, Sun states that Sutro's counsel withdrew suit yesterday. Essipoff matter comes to a focus, telegram from Wertheimber, that Essipoff insists upon payment, or will leave and claim deposit I telegraph to her that we will see it paid. Stetson returns from Phila, brings original drafts of reports by Schiedmayer, but find scurrilous letter to Oliver, and letter by Bristow Centl Commißion gone probably destroyed. Uptown in eve'g, eat Rassenkohl with Albert afterwards play cards with Albert and Louise, win 5 Cents. Go home in 3d Ave Cars At last sleep pretty well, but have bad uneasy nightdreams & sleeplessness again likely.