The Diary

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New York, April 20th 1877.

April 20th friday.

With Albert to Van Santvoord & Hauff at 11 A.M. I am under Cross examination by Fuller, all day. He is very sharp. Lunch at Rathskeller. At 6 P.M. drive up town with Albert, take supper with him, play Skat in eve'g with him, his wife, H. & C. Steinway lose 43 Cents

April 21st sat.

All traces of Rheumatism seem to have disappeared & I feel perfectly well now busy all day, have my hair cut, At 7 P.M. to Cassebeers, marriage of Ida Cassebeer to Dr. Hesse large concourse of people, Funke +c &, Albert limps badly & tells me that he is rheumatic all over Home at 12 oclock, having walked it. Georgie to Dr. Knapp today, has light Eye Catarrh


April 22d sund.

feel well, at 9 A.M. to store, beautiful day for Kinderfest, spend forenoon with Albert, who is lame & sick, take dinner with him. At 3 P.M. with Mrs. Evers, George & Paula, Kinderfest, they amuse themselves splendidly, George hits the Bulls Eye once, and places the other two shots in the target I meet many old friends, drink several glasses of beer, home at 9½ PM

April 23d Monday.

The 16th anniversary of my unhappy marriage I am more quiet & resigned, am bodily perfectly well Beautiful day. Business still very slow. Mrs. Dachauer calls, sells her furniture for $250. to Chas. F. Tretbar