The Diary

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New York, May 6th 1877.

May 6th Sunday.

Clear windy day. Georgie has not been quite well of late, had worms & he grows very fast At 9 A.M. with him to Grandmother, see Louise A. Steinway, who tells me that Dr. Schnetter says Albert has a malignant bilious gastric fever, not Typhoid. He had a very bad night again, Robert sitting up with him. I then go with Georgie to Zieglers, they are all well. Then down town to 14th street, to Office where I stay and work til 1 P.M. After lunch to L.K. Rehearsal Children at Webers. After returning find letter from Dr. Schnetter telling me that Albert has a regular Typhoid fever. I hasten to his Office on 40th street, and after stopping a while at Pagenstechers, see him. We decide to take Professor Loomis in consultation & take another Nurse. At L.K. assist in Gang um Mitternacht being last Concert of the Season. Set down stairs with Krafts & Lang of Brooklyn, but have the gloomy forebodings that the terrible calamity is upon us, Home at 12½ AM.


May 7th Monday.

At 7 AM Henry Cassebeer calls, a few minutes after Kutscher Stein comes in, sent by Dr. Schnetter, that "Darmbluten" has made its appearance, I am utterly crushed by this news On reaching the Store, find Mr. Thomson there who has conferred with Wm. H. Vanderbilt, I also