The Diary

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New York, May 7th 1877.


sign a letter for Mr. Brick of the new Continental Gas Co. of L. I. City. At 9 A.M. telegraph to Theodore "Bruder Albert sehr krank, schlimmes Nervenfieber" William Steinway Eat a few mouths full at Schülers, then uptown Dr. Schnetter & Professor Loomis there, Prof. Loomis regarding all of Albert's symptoms favorable except the "Darmbluten" which however had not occurred again up to 2½ P.M. Still Albert is in great danger. To factory tell Kroeger to hurry on some of the style 5 Squares. Returning to Store find Papa Kreischer there greatly excited at Alberts danger. H. S. Danziger offers to clear our Astoria house of bugs & cockroaches for $50. which I accept. Take a little supper, stop at Dr. Schnetters house, who is just up at Alberts house. Then to Pagenstechers, where he I Toussaint & Wiebusch sing Quartett, am in fair voice Home at 11½ P.M. sleep pretty well under the terrible weight upon me

May 8th Tuesday.

George & Paula both have a cold. It is very cold for the season. I learn from Kroeger that Albert feels a little improved, has not had "Darmbluten" again. At 1½ P.M. I am up at Alberts house, Drs Schnetter & Loomis there, Albert is no worse than yesterday, slept a little, vomits now. In eveg I am at L.K. preside. Home at 11 P.M. with Emil Unger, eat some raw Oysters at Stills -- took second Russian bath at 13th street