The Diary

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New York, June 22d 1877.


keyboards by hand at Astoria. Home in eveg. Mr. Phelps, Tretbar & wife with us, eating Brooktrout which Phelps caught. To bed at 10½ P.M.

June 23d sat.

Cool bright day. Very busy. lunch at Schülers G. Schirmer + Dr. Knapp to Germany by Steamer Oder. My family, Henry Steinway & H. A. Cassebeer and his family move over to our Stone house at Astoria, it is very cool, take a sail in Henrys Sail yacht to Flushing Bay. Sleep splendidly George & I occupying S. E. Room over back Parlor.

June 24th Sunday.

Beautiful day, walk with Georgie through Settlement, then down to factory, order Luther to have extra row of piles driven in Center of boiler house extension. In afternoon Kröger comes, we go through factory, locate glue pots + steam boxes +c. Kröger tells me that Henry St. acts very discourteously to him In eve'g we take a sail to Flushing Bay & back with Williams. Play Skat with Henry C & H. St. & Ch. St. who came in the afternoon, lose 80 Cts

June 25th Monday.

Send Ch. St. with Mrs. Louisa A. Steinway to Richfield Springs where she will look for Rooms Receive letter from Mrs. Dachauer, from Professor Watson & from Genl Oliver. Down town at 11½ AM lunch at Rathskeller, have considerable fun over the Jew Question. Young Meiners serves me with a letter dated June 23d from lawyer Wm. W. Badger of 178 Bdway