The Diary

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New York, July 8th 1877.

July 8th Sunday.

Beautiful day. My arm quite lame and painful, go to factory look over key floor +c, afterwards let Georgie bathe, which seems to agree splendidly with him. In afternoon, Mayor DeBevoise & Mr. Williams call upon us, also Ziegler Eberspacher & Ester. I eat next to nothing, take Blairs pills & paint with Iodine. To bed at 9 P.M. Sleep splendidly

July 9th Monday.

Fair, cool weather, my left arm still useless drive to town with Henry Steinway, take 3d Ave Cars at 65th street, am very busy all day, I have headache, at home at 6 P.M. see Vandyke prepare with him certificate for Jurors to sign. Eat Hominy for supper, retire at 9 P.M., wrap up Arm in Oilsilk, sleep quite well

July 10th Tuesday.

Arm less painful but I can not straighten it as yet, lunch at Schuelers, very busy all day eat Hominy, at 8 P.M. to L.K. preside, home at 11 P.M. during night take Burkards Medicin

July 11th Wed.

Arm slightly improved, Burkard Medicin seems to affect it favorably, at noon to P. O. stop at Surrogates Court and obtain Albert Steinway's will, duly recorded, lunch at Tafelrunde, Andrew H. Green there too. With H. St. pr. buggy to Astoria, meet mother on Shore Road, little Hermann Schmidts birthday, jolly time Georgie rows boat with H. Cassebeer Paula & little Julia, quite well alone. To bed at 10½ P.M. Sleep little as Georgie is sick during the night & vomits badly