The Diary

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New York, July 22d 1877.

July 22d Sunday.

fine day. At 8 A.M. Stein drives us through the German Settlement to Hunters Point, viz. Chas. St. & me, to 33d str. E. R. where Henry Ziegler joins us. Go on board Barge Anna, then Steamboat Gail Sedgewick comes with the Philadelphia guests, Members of Phil. Männerchor up Long Island Sound to Cold Spring Grove Weather splendid & everybody delighted, at the beautiful Grove, Fr. Steins, C. Wilhelms, Klebs & I sing several Quartetts finely. Reach Dock at 7 P.M. at 33d str. E. R. Chas. & I, via Hunters Point Dutch Kills reach Stone house after 2½ hours time by various delays, at nearly 10 P.M. Am a little stiff in the feet, sleep splendidly

July 23d Monday.

To town at 8½ A.M. Most exciting News, Strikes of RR. Men all over the Country, riot & bloodshed at Baltimore and Pittsburgh. We telegraph to Prof. Watson at Ann Arbor, who answers that "he received letter & certificates, and will reply today" I lunch at Rathskeller. I settle with Nordheimer, we cannot ship any pianos, nearly all RailRoads refusing to take freight, to Astoria via 23d street, order four windows on N. Side of new third Story, +c. in eve'g play Skat with Dulcken, H. Cassebeer & C. St. lose 64 Cents. During the night a thief evidently attempted to get into library, but is frightened off by Constantin Schmidt.

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