The Diary

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Funeral of Mrs. Julia Steinway
Aug 11th 1877.


bearers. Mother looks very natural and a peaceful expression upon her face. At 2.15 P.M. the procession moves via Catharine Ferry to our family vault at Greenwood, where we arrive about 4 P.M. Pastor Krüsi offers a short prayer and mothers remains are placed in her last resting place, next to my father. We then return home, Papa Kreischer Louisa & I in the same Carriage again. I reach Steinway Hall at 5½ P.M. Phelps came back from Salem, Mass. Genl Oliver kept the Steinway certificates hesitating whether to sign. Take supper with Papa Kreischer Louisa at my house. Then he leaves for Staten Island, Adam Weber also calls, Louisa & I spend eveg, in talking over matters and crying together, then retire at 10 PM

Cablegram "to Maxwell 28 Baker str. London tell Theodore mother died Thursday. all American jurors have signed"

Aug 12th Sunday.

Have slept quite well, After breakfast call at Store, take carriage drive to Astoria with Louisa, it is very hot. We take a swimbath, George swims very nicely, After dinner, we take a sail around Rikers Island find that the Wire sign "Steinway on our Astoria should be painted white. Louise and Zieglers go home at 7 P.M. We play Skat H. & C. St. & Henry Cassebeer,, win 30 Cents. Retire at 10½ P.M. Heavy Rainstorm during night