The Diary

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New York, August 13th 1877.

Aug 13th Monday.

To town via 11th street, reach Store at 8½ A.M. Oliver returns figures signed & Wants his own form for the Steinway Certificate. Lunch at Gerths with Phelps. Afterwards Dorette Ziegler comes in, mother left $5000 in the German Savings Bank in Dorettes and her Name and $2000 in Dorettea name, with Instruction to divide it among her three living children Dorette retains the Bankbook in her own name gets the $5000 from German Savings Bk, which I take, paying her $333 33/100. and crediting Theodor with $2333 34/100 and myself with $2333 33/100 on our books. At 10.30. A.M. take Mrs. Louisa A. Steinway to Central depot, she leaving for Richfield Springs. At 2½ P.M. Prof. Hilgard comes in, and Tretbar explains everything in full to him, and after about 50 Minutes conversation Prof. Hilgard signs both Documents. At 4.25 P.M. to Astoria via 23d street, in a rain, drive to Astoria factory, tell Schmidt to take poßession of the Metzler house, which, Berger telegraphs has passed into the poßession of Adolph Poppenhusen. At Stone house in eveg drenching rain, Schmidt, Henry Cassebeer H. Steinway & I play Kreuz Marriage Retire at 10½ PM.