The Diary

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New York, Septbr 6th 1877


take Theo. to German American Bank and leave his signature. there, I then call on Knauth Nachod & Kühne, pay Mrs. R.R. draft of $509. then I go to Charles E. Strong, arrange details about loan of $60.000 on cornerplot, call on Fred. Steins see Gafney at McKeon & Smythe with whom I have quite a tussle in relation to the Mortgage of Lexington Ave. & 37th street Work til 8 P.M. in Store, business is brightening up considerably, and many orders are coming in. Work in the Store til nearly 8 P.M. then to L.K. Preside at Board of Trustee Meeting & Vorstandssitzung. Home at 10½ P.M.

Sept 7th friday.

It rained in torrents all night & day With Papa Grosz & Fred. Grosz & Vandenhoff about additional fire escapes, also to put Glass lights into various Rooms upstairs, am excessively busy all day, lunch with Maxwell and Phelps, & also dine with them. Business is becoming very brisk, work in the Store all the evening til late at night


Septbr 8th sat.

Close with Maxwell & sign Contract with him for business of "Steinway & Sons" London, lunch with him & Phelps at Gerth, he sails in Germanic at 4 P.M See Theodor who is sick, with H. St. in buggy to Astoria with Schmidt & H & C. St. at Titus in eveg, sing, am in fair voice
