The Diary

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New York, Sept 19th 1877.

Sept 19th Wed.

At 12½ to my house, find George from School, eating lunch. Then to Theodors house, eat lunch with him. At 4¼ PM with Georgie to Astoria via 11th street. After supper to Williams Mill, then to Rassigas with Henry T. St. then I go to Sängerrunde at Löhrs, treat them with a keg of beer, then return to house find Dulcken, retire at 10½ P.M. Sleep splendidly in the cool atmosphere

Sept 20th Thursday.

Cool fine day. Put Overcoat on, while driving to boat, to City via 11th str. Georgie to School with Charles St. via 92d street. At 10 A.M. with Theo H St. Burkard, Fritz Steins Ziegler & wife at Willard Bartletts signing our depositions, lunch at Gerth's, at Bk of the Metropolis, then with George via 23d str. to Astoria, in eveg play Skat with H. Cassebeer, H. St & Chas St. win 63 Cents

Sept 21st friday.

Cool splendid Atmosphere. To City with H. Cassebeer & wife, and Georgie via 11th str. Buy a nice School book strap for Georgie, lunch at Gerth Dr. Schnetter comes in tells me, that he will put his adopted daughter into an Asylum to reclaim her In eve'g receive Louisa A. Steinway, her two daughters, Rieke Kreischer nurse Lina at Central Depot, conduct them to my house. Theodor calls, remains til 11 P.M. We then retire