The Diary

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New York, Octbr 17th 1877

Oct 17th Wed.

Rheumatism a little worse, am almost worn out by excessive trouble & work. Cotterill calls, examines Williams. Old Sperry comes, with H. St. to Astoria, I have a bad headache all day Cablegram from Maxwell "Tretbar sails Britannie" Theodore, Chas. St. Henry St. & Henry Ziegler at supper with me, I walk through 18th street to Steinway Hall attend Opening Concert Theo. Thomas Orchestra, David Lichtenberg, Swedish Original Ladies Quartette Mr. Stollmeyer of Trinidad also at our Box I go home with George at 9½ o'clock, Paula remaining with Mrs. Evers. I sleep well

Oct 18th Thursday.

Send letters, pictures of Bam & Baby +c +c R.R. letters to Seyfferth--to RR by registered letter pr. Steamer Wieland, with Theo. to Heim take lunch we then go to Cassebeers, see poor Anna Deppermann in her coffin, she is dreadfully disfigured & emaciated. With Theodor in coupè to his house at 6 P.M. eat supper there, we play Whist, viz Theo. Chas. Henry St & myself, I have to pay one Cent

Octbr 19th friday.

Rainy, gloomy day. Business still very brisk, and seems to be so all around. It brightens up during the day. In Carriage with Ziegler, Henry Steinway Theo. St. to Bartlett, who has finished his report, the three sign and swear to affidavits. We then drive to Van Santvoord & Hauff, sign application with Theo. for Reissue of Tubular Patent I then order an exemplified copy of Alberts last will at