The Diary

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New York, Novbr 16th 1877.

Novbr 16th friday.

Weber has not yet replied to our Card. Am at Tafelrunde, stop at Registers Office and get Mrs. Ely deed to Woman's College & their Mtge to me for $20.000 all duly recorded. See also Mr Cotterill. A large Stream of people call, among them Herbert Vandykes wife, who tells me many astounding things about him, Theo. to supper with me I write to Gustav Deppermann in eve'g.

Novbr 17th sat.

Beautiful day. At 12 o'clock uptown take lunch with Theo. then with him, Henry St. Chas. St. and Henry Cassebeer pr. Carriage to Astoria, decide to leave Mill Building unchanged, but rather to build a section of the factory next spring. Return at 6 P.M. supper with Theo. play Whist with him, H. St. & Aunt Johanne, win 8 Cts

Novbr 18th Sunday.

Beautiful day. To Store at 8½ A.M. & work til 11½ A.M. then take a walk to 4th street, Phelps Tretbar & Freund at our Office, after lunch ride uptown with Bam & baby on 4th Ave. Cars to Zieglers, spend afternoon & eve'g, play Skat & lose 47 Cts, in ev'g with Chas. St. 66 when I win 50 Cts, Home with 4th Ave Cars with my children at 9½ P.M. Georgie pulls out another tooth with his finger, having now three new teeth growing. Conrad Poppenhusen applied for his bancruptcy yesterday.

Novbr 19th Monday.

Beautiful day. Very busy. Lunch at Gerth's with young Blüthner & Geilfuss. Reading proof for Music Trade Review, in eveg Gänseschwanz at Louises, 66 with C St. win 50 Cts